Why I am here?

I’m a mixture of eclectic and eccentric.  I’m wrapped in glitter, rolled in rainbow sprinkles and dipped in geekdom.  I would consider myself strange, weird, freaky and unusual.  I often thought of myself as alone in the world.  I mean who could possible relate to me or understand me? Who could possibly get me?! I spiraled down a path of anxiety and depression.  My world became a single window view of life and worries.  Though, once I started talking a little bit about what I was going through I started to realize I wasn’t alone.  I decided that it would be healthy for me to share my experiences with others, and hopefully it will help others know they are not alone. In addition, I hope to bring positive energy, kindness, knowledge and experience to others.

If you would like, come with me on my path in life.

Warning: I will post adult content from time to time. You must be of legal adult age in your state or country to read my blog.

25 things about me

25 random facts about yourself that may surprise friends…
1. Do you make your bed? Every morning, some weekends I skip it especially if I’m in hermit mode. 
2. The first car that was officially yours? 88 mercury cougar. 
3. Three grocery items you don’t run out of? Coffee, creamer, and soy milk 
4. When did you start doing your own laundry? Not sure, maybe preteen 
5. If you could, would you go to High School again? Absolutely not
6. Can you parallel park in under three moves? Some times 
7. A job you had which people would be shocked to know about? Probably when Iwas a telemarketer for grave plots.
8. Do you think aliens are real? Yes
9. Can you drive a stick shift? No
10. Guilty TV show pleasures? Probably criminal shows like Criminal Minds or just all the things lol
11. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Too cold
12. If the world ends do you want to be one of the survivors? Not sure , maybe in the long run no.
13. Sweet or Salty? Used to just be sweet, now it just depends 
14. Do you enjoy soaking in a nice bath? Only sometimes 
15. Do you consider yourself strong? Yes
16. Something people do, physically, that drives you crazy? Whistling
17. Something you do, physically, that you are sure drives everyone else crazy? Hermit mode to much
18. Do you have any birthmarks? No 
19. Favorite childhood game? Maybe monopoly or Mario bros 
20. Do you talk to yourself? Often
21. Do you like doing jig-saw puzzles? Yes
22. Would you go on a reality show? No
23. Tea or coffee? Coffee 
24. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up? a teacher
25. No matter how much money you have or don’t have, what are you an absolute snob about? I don’t know, maybe brands of coffee or Starbucks 
OK, your turn. Copy and replace my answers with your own.

Thankful Days May 23rd thru June 19th

Sorry I have got behind in posting positive thoughts, like a month behind. Eek! I need to go back to posting once a day so I don’t forget.
 Thankful Days:
May 23rd I’m grateful for fairies.
May 24th I’m grateful for rainbows.
May 25th I’m grateful for rainy days.
May 26th I’m grateful for coupons.
May 27th I’m grateful for my car.
May 28th I’m grateful for long weekends.
May 29th I’m grateful for Egyptian musk.
May 30th I’m grateful for candles.
May 31st I’m grateful for body creams.
June 1st I’m grateful for hand sanatizer.
June 2nd I’m grateful for my phone.
June 3rd I’m grateful for texting.
June 4th I’m grateful walks.
June 5th I’m grateful for fans.
June 6th I’m grateful for being able to get a few things I need and want.
June 7th I’m grateful for weekends I can be a hermit.
June 8th I’m grateful for my life.
June 9th I’m grateful for my Neko Asume app.
June 10th I’m grateful for my Crime game app.
June 11th I’m grateful for tracking packages.
June 12th I’m grateful for Orlando Pulse vigil.
June 13th I’m grateful for sales at Kroger.
June 14th I’m grateful for fuel reward points.
June 15th I’m grateful for getting an oil change.
June 16th I’m grateful for getting off work early.
June 17th I’m grateful for getting a lot accomplished before it got hot for the day.
June 18th I’m grateful for my Daddy being in my life and partner.
June 19th I’m grateful for a short week for me.
I needed that, it helps to remember the positive in my life.


Four names I go by:
1. My given name
2. Hanna
3. Panda
4. Baby girl
Four places I have lived:
1. NC
2. Maryland
3. All over AL
4. Mostly, in my own head. – I’m stealing this one LOL
Four things I love to watch on TV:
1. Supernatural
2. Any kind of crime drama like Criminal Minds and Law & Order SVU
3. BBC Sherlock
4. To many to count, I’m always looking for more shows. Currently watching Harlots, Handmaid’s Tale, American Gods
Four places I have visited:
1. Atlanta, GA
2. Canada
3. NY up state
4. All over south east
Four things I love to eat:
1. Salad, espeically from Pyros where I can build my own
2. Chocolate, preferably dark chocolate or M&M Coffee
3. Burritos/tacos/fries from Del Taco
4. Anything homemade from my Daddy or Mama
Four people I think will respond and hopefully be fun
1. Do
2. This
3. On your
4. Own accord
4 Things I love to drink:
1. Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper or Cheerwine
2. Coffee (Dark roasts, Coffee Cat’s is the best)
3. Sonic diet green tea
4. Java Chip Frapacino or Iced Moca Carmel from Starbucks
Now here is what you’re supposed to do. Please don’t spoil the fun…. copy and paste this in your status and update it with your responses (if you want to play along)

Thankful May: Days 9-22

Thankful May: Days 9-22
Day 9: I’m grateful for rain.
Day 10: I’m grateful for walks.
Day 11: I’m grateful for technology.
Day 12: I’m grateful for surviving every day.
Day 13: I’m grateful for ac.
Day 14: I’m grateful for my mom.
Day 15: I’m grateful for trying a harder type yoga for me.
Day 16: I’m grateful for my life.
Day 17: I’m grateful for my shows.
Day 18: I’m grateful for lots of cuddles with my Daddy.
Day 19: I’m grateful for fans.
Day 20: I’m grateful for friends getting married.
Day 21: I’m grateful for talking with my Daddy.
Day 22: I’m grateful for coffee.

Adult Meme

Tired of all of those surveys made up by high school kids?! Like “Have you ever kissed someone? Missed someone? Told someone you loved them? ” Well then, here’s 34 questions for “grownups”…

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Rent, only because it’s the highest bill. I’m grateful to have my own place.

2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner? At my Daddy’s

3. What do you really want to be doing right now? What I’m doing right now

4. How many colleges did you attend? Two, junior college twice and university once.

5. Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now? Comfort and warmth

6. What are your thoughts on gas prices? They are not terrible here but wish they would go down more

7. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? No alarm today

8. Last thought before going to sleep last night? Cuddling Mr Awesome Llama and thinking about a Con that just happened in April
that I wish I could have attended.

9. Do you miss being a child? In some ways, but majority no

10. What errand/chore do despise most? Cooking for myself

11. Get up early or sleep in? Sleep in but most days I wake up early.

12. Have you found real love yet? Oh yes

13. Favorite lunch meat? Ham

14. What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart? Increased Anxiety and negative vibes

15. Beach or Lake? Lake

16. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? Only with government involvement.

17. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? Misha Collins

18. Have you ever crashed your vehicle? Not my new car

19. Ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? No thankfully

20. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth? Outside

21. Somewhere in California you never been and would like to go? Hello Kitty cafe

22. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? Career and since I’m polyamours I would like a girlfriend too.

23. How old are you? 40

24. Do you have a favorite person? There are a few

25. Are you where you want to be in life? I’m some ways no. Though in ways of having my own place, job, car and life in better control that 16 years ago….yes

26. Growing up, what were your favorite cartoons? So many, all of them I watched them all lol

27. What about you do you think about you has changed since you were a kid/teen?
Confidence, experience, growth

28. Looking back at high school were they the best years of your life? Hell no

29. Are there times you still feel like a kid? Yes

30. Did you have a pager? Yes maybe 20 years ago

31. Where was the hang out spot when you were a teenager?
I wasn’t allowed to do that

32. Were you the type of kid you would want your children to hang out with? Yes, but I don’t have kids

33. Was there a teacher or authority figure that stood out for you? That I can remember from college Dr Z and Dr B

34. Do you tell stories that start with “when I was your age?”
Only if I’m trying to be funny.

Thankful May: Days 2-8

Thankful May Day 2: I’m grateful for walking a mile and walking again.
Thankful May Day 3: I’m grateful for cool days.
Thankful May Day 4: I’m grateful for tv shows and movies.
Thankful May Day 5: I’m grateful for home made burrito, anytime my Daddy cooks.
Thankful May Day 6: I’m grateful for a relaxing day.
Thankful May Day 7: I’m grateful for productivity.
Thankful May Day 8: I’m grateful for having a job.